The team deliver more than ever and we see that both our core products are really getting traction and more experience every day.
Leidar® Control System has now been used in both UBD and MPD operations and we are working hard every day to make it the best there is out there. In addition to deliver the best control system, we now also design and deliver everything you need to upgrade your existing MPD/UBD package to perform beyond today’s standard. Nontraditional sensor packages, smart choke manifold solutions, electric actuators, control cabinets and backup power, all integrated in custom drilling packages is something we now do to make sure the user gets a system that works.
Straume® Hydraulics Simulator is, in addition to be used in everyday in-house testing and internal and external training of our Leidar® Control System, now the hydraulics engine in Oiltec Solutions hiDRILL Simulator. This joint venture project with Oiltec Solutions, partly funded through Skattefunn, is showing to be very promising and we hope to share more details on this in not to long.