Research and development

Kelda’s technology has its basis from long-term R&D at Statoil and Engineering Cybernetics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

Pressure Control

Model-based choke and pump control design with superior performance and dependability:

  • Robust, uniform performance in the full operating range, ensuring safe operation by non-experts
  • Inherent fault-detection for enhanced dependability

Hydraulic Model

Downhole well pressure estimation based on fit-for-purpose hydraulic model:

  • Robust solution which can be set up and operated by non-experts
  • Robust handling of variations in operating conditions by smarter utilization of models and measurements
  • Self-calibrating to PWD and wired drillpipe (when available)
  • Early detection of failures and downhole errors

Influx/Loss Detection

Model-based algorithm which enables earlier detection and fewer false alarms; detecting symptoms of downhole incidents before they evolve into a well control event:

  • Accounts for transient drill string and fluid behavior
  • Utilization of new sensors for density and flow rate (when available)