Research Projects
Kelda is conducting significant research and development internally and together with external partners from both industry and academia. Most of the research is partly funded through national funding agencies. Kelda is an approved SkatteFUNN company for two larger internal research projects.
Some of the research programs that Kelda is involved in are listed below:
Kelda is conducting significant research and development internally and together with external partners from both industry and academia. Most of the research is partly funded through national funding agencies. Kelda is an approved SKATTEfunn company for two larger internal research projects.
Some of the research programs that Kelda is involved in are listed below:
Industrial PhD's
Kelda-NTNU, "Adaptive model-based control of downhole pressure during drilling operations" (Project no. 241636)
Kelda-HiT, "Modelling for automatic control and estimation of influx and loss during drilling operations" (Project no. 241586)
EU-Horizon 2020 project
"HYDRA - HYdraulics modelling for DRilling Automation" - 3 Industrial PhD's. A research project between Eindhoven Technical University (TU/e), Mines Paristech and Kelda. Check out the HYDRA project page for more information.
SKATTEfunn projects
"Intelligent trykkstyring boring". Project no 242391
"Kelda Drilling Simulator". Project no 242195
OSLOfjordfondet project
"Sanntids-estimering av pore- og oppsprekningstrykk". Project no. 238595
In addition, Kelda is involved in the following competence project proposals (KPN):
IFU projects
Straume - software for calculating dynamic pressure profile.
KPN projects
"Sensors and models for improved kick/loss detection in drilling (Semi-kidd)". Application Number ES557257. Collaboration between HiT, NTNU, Kelda and MHWirth.
"Intelligent Drilling – Automated Hole Cleaning and Event Detection". Application Number ES557257". Collaboration between Statoil, MHWirth and Kelda.